Lamont, Waitress in Fall 2020 edition, 1.jpg

Waitress in Fall (2nd edition)

Lamont, Waitress in Fall 2020 edition, 1.jpg


Kristín Ómarsdóttir, Waitress in Fall, translations by Vala Thorodds (Partus, 2020). 144-page paperback.

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Cover Design

Kristín Ómarsdóttir is an Icelandic poet, novelist and playwright. Waitress in Fall is the first substantial selection of her poems to be published in English translation. The bright, assertive colours reflect the boldness of the poems, and the off-kilter horizontals suggest something of the jauntiness of Kristín’s work. The typeface, a calligraphic sans-serif, combines intimacy and brutalism, like the poems. For this updated second edition, we changed the colour palette and adjusted the layout.

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Page Design